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The Ordeal




After making the decision to go ahead with the splenectomy I was told to go home and get some rest.  It was 3am by then.  I reluctantly went home and pulled an all night watching some crap on Netflix.  I was so nervous that I made myself physically sick.  I won’t get into details...  I was afraid they were going to call me any second to say she didn’t make it, or that something went wrong.  


At 7am my phone rang, my heart pounded as I picked it up.  Good new though, the surgery went well and Navi was still sleeping, they would call me when she woke up.  A few hours later she was awake and responding well.  I was so unbelievably relieved.  I was allowed to come in that day and bring her some boiled chicken.  



When I went into see her she was very weak, but so excited to see me.  She ate tons of chicken and layed in my lap.  From there on out everything went smoothly, but the worst news was yet to come.  At this point I knew she has a tumor, but no one knew if it was cancerous or not.  Navi came home the next day, and I didn’t sleep for a week because every hour I kept going to check on her.  She had a huge incision down her belly with fresh stitches and wasn’t supposed to jump on any furniture. Other than that, she seemed very normal, and was still waggy and happy.  




The dreaded call came a week after the surgery though.  The doctors said that her tumor was indeed cancerous.  It was Hemangiosarcoma, a very aggressive cancer that would (according to them) most definitely spread to her other organs and kill her within 3 weeks to 3 months.  





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